Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Film Set

I took this picture on a film set. It's very visually eye-catching to see the different colors alternatively blend and clash. On the right side of the picture, everything is cast in a deep magenta reminiscent of a night club. This was to evoke a feeling of partying. The arm of the sofa catches some of the purple. Soft candles are surrounded by wineglasses to added a softer, ambient intimacy, balancing out the club-esque feel. In the middle is a neutral white light cast by a chandelier, serving as a middle-ground that transitions into a cool blue leading outside the door. I'm also struck by how the colors and intensities of the light so drastically change the furniture, plants, and people that it hits. The darkness combined with the vibrant colors leads to less inhibitions. In the colored light, people are dark shadows, wineglasses are shallow mirrors, pale flowers become a lovely cerulean. But in the neutral middle ground we see how things really are. The corners of the walls cut off the light very effectively, creating three distinct separate rooms and moods.

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