Wednesday, February 22, 2017

Big Bear is Snow Fun

I was up in Big Bear on Monday to play in the snow and slide down some hills in a plastic tub we picked up at target for $2 and while we were driving around to find random bear statues for a video we were filming, I noticed this gorgeous view on the other side of the giant creepy/hilarious bears. The sun is poking through the cloud barrier and hitting the water in such a way that every detail of the wind blowing across the water is captured in the ripples of the water. The lighter section draws the focus, in the detail of the water where the light is reflecting as well as from the light source in the clouds, and the rest of the background is lit with just enough light to see but not to draw focus. I find this a great tool in terms of showcasing the importance of focus in a lighting cue along with the necessary lighting of the rest of the set without it being distracting.

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