Wednesday, March 15, 2017

Concerts OMG!

I took this picture at a concert I went to last week--Red Hot Chili Peppers at the Staples Center in LA. Wow what an amazing experience that was. Besides the music and performative aspect, the lights were crazy and added such a fun and psychedelic dynamic to the show. Here the lights were red and there were these little tube lights that would go up and down sequentially to emulate the rhythm of the music. Whoever did lights for this show, or anyone who does lights for concerts in general, must be so fun! The colors and movement of the light create an atmosphere unique to the experience of a rock concert. The colors of light would also change depending on the overall tone and feel of the song. The song that played here was very fast and "hard" rock so the light was appropriately red. For more softer and slower songs, the lights were soft blue or purple.

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